Kooks Kruise In 2024: Driving For A Cure

Kooks Kruise In

Starting with George Kook (Papa Kook) making his own set of headers for his racecar back in the early 60s in Long Island, Kooks Headers and Exhaust continues building high-quality race headers and exhaust systems and being active in the automotive community. Kooks have opened up their facility for their annual ‘Kooks Kruise In’ since 2009, an event that serves as an open house for the exhaust manufacturer to show off a wide variety of its exhaust products but also to bring the community together for a good cause.

Kooks Kruise In

This year, Kooks is taking a stand against childhood cancer, has partnered with the Isabella Santos Foundation, and is “Driving For A Cure.” The Isabella Santos Foundation began in 2007 as a non-profit to help children and the families of children with rare pediatric cancers. That first year, they raised $7,000, but since then, they have raised over 14 million dollars for treatments that have saved thousands of lives and improved the quality of life for young cancer patients worldwide. The Kooks Kruise In is not just another car event; it’s a celebration of automotive passion and community.

Kooks Kruise In

The last Kruise In was held in 2019, and Kooks has decided it is time for it to make a comeback. Spectators and modern and classic cars alike are invited to this large outdoor event hosted at Kooks state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and grounds in Statesville, NC. Among what has historically been a wide variety of cars and trucks in attendance are also many activities for everyone to enjoy, like a burnout contest, a mobile dyno, food trucks, and more. So mark your calendar and join them for the highly anticipated return of the Kooks Kruise In annual event, set to occur on Saturday, October 12th, between 10 am and 2 pm at Kooks Headquarters, 141 Advantage Place, Statesville, NC.

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About the author

Nick Adams

With over 20 years of experience in the automotive industry and a lifelong gearhead, Nick loves working with anything that has an engine. Whether it’s building motors, project cars, or racing, he loves the smell of burnt race gas and rowing gears.
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