LS Fest Fest West To Feature Second Autocross Course For 2019

How do you make a great event even better? The crew over at Holley Performance Products has it figured out: you invest in it. This is exactly what they did for their LS Fest West competition at Las at Vegas Motor Speedway.

According to Holley, “The integration of a second autocross course allows event staff to add an additional 125 cars to LS Fest West! Autocross packages will be limited to the first 125, while Grand Champion registrations are limited to the first 150 vehicles.” This means a bigger car count and more options, whether you are racing or just going to spectate. The Grand Champion competitors will go on as they have in the previous years, but the 3S Challenge is only included in Grand Champion All Access Packages as of January 31, 2019. Drag racing has now replaced the 3S Challenge for all of the Autocross packages.

If you have never been to an LS Fest event, you definitely need to go. Not only will you see tons of LS-powered cars in one place, but you will get to watch them go to head-to-head in several different disciplines, including drag racing, autocross, drifting, car show, road course challenge, desert launch, 3s challenge, offroad challenge, and of course a burnout contest.

The first event this year will be in Las Vegas on May 3-5th, 2019. This event will be followed by LS Fest West in Bowling Green, Kentucky September 6-8 2019. For more information on LS Fest West and East, please visit their event website and check them out on Facebook.

We hope to see you there!

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About the author

Brian Havins

A gearhead for life, Brian is obsessed with all things fast. Banging gears, turning wrenches, and praying while spraying are just a few of his favorite things.
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