The guys over at B is for Build have built some pretty wild vehicles over the past few years. In 2019 they unveiled an LS-powered twin-turbocharged Lamborghini Huracan that caused quite a stir as people flocked to the car to see what it was all about. In 2020, the team unveiled another project, an Italian yacht which they decided to LS-swap after one of its diesel engines ran out of oil while at sea. While the boat project seems like an ambitious venture, their latest Build is also pretty far out there. While they are building another LS-swapped Lamborghini, this one is being built for off-road racing.
We can think of hundreds of different vehicles that would be a better candidate for off-road than a Lamborghini. And let’s face it, a Volkswagon Bug has ten times the offroad aftermarket support than a Lambo, making it a much better choice. But, in the name of shock factor and added YouTube views, the Lamborghini is a perfect choice.
Dubbed the Jumpacon, B is For Build started with a Huracan and started fabricating from there. And while this thing looks like it’s something straight out of Mad Max, we actually like it. We were able to check it out for the first time at LS Fest West just a few months back. Much like the last Huracan, an LS powers the car with a host of Holley parts, including a Sniper dual plenum intake, Terminator X ECU, and a RacePak Smartwire Power Control Module. In addition, the LS is mated to a manual transaxle out of a Lamborghini Gallardo that allows the LS to stay in the car’s rear. The Jumpacon also has some seriously heavy-duty control arms and coil-over shocks with off-roading in mind.
While we were at LS Fest, we couldn’t help but notice that the Jumpacon was extremely low for an offroad vehicle especially when compared to the Trophy Trucks on the property. And while the guys did raise it some before hitting the desert for some shake-down passes, it wasn’t enough. In fact, the last video posted on B is for Build’s channel shows the passenger injuring his back as the car came over a jump and dug the front end in the ground hard. So, needless to say, the team has some more work cut out for the Jumpacon before it’s race-ready at the Mint 400.
The Mint 400 is set to take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, December 1-5, 2021. For more information on this race, you can visit, and for updates on the Jumpacon, please visit B is for Build.