Make Big Horsepower With Track Smart Rods From Howards Cams

Connecting rods need to be strong and reliable when they’re being used in a high-performance engine build. Not everyone needs an ultra-exotic connecting rod that can deal with thousands of horsepower, but most can use a rod that’s able to withstand plenty of spirited driving. Howards Cams developed its forged Track Smart H-Beam connecting rod to be the kind of rod that take plenty of abuse without breaking the bank.

The Track Smart line of connecting rods will work in naturally-aspirated and power adder applications. This is possible thanks to the aircraft quality 4340 steel each rod is made from. The Track Smart rods are precision CNC-machined to ensure any imperfections are removed. Howards Cams uses a special heat-treating process to increase the strength and reliability of each connecting rod.

Brian Adix from Howards Cams explains why these rods were developed, and what has been done to ensure they will work in most high-performance engine applications.

“The Track Smart line of rods was designed to fill the gap between the most common H-Beam rods and the high-end billet rods that are out there. We took a lot of the knowledge we have gained over the years to make a better H-Beam rod. The design offers great strength-to-weight ratio. However, a common failure that most forged rods have today is the rod bolts. We use only ARP2000 cap screws, the same fastener material as our Ultra Duty Billet Rods, to help prevent failures.”

Howards Cams currently offers the Track Smart rods for Chevrolet small block 6.000-inch, LS 6.125-inch, along with Chevrolet big block 6.385-, 6.535-, and 6.700-inch applications. The company is also developing rods for the Chevrolet small block 6.125-, 6.200-, and 6.250-inch, and Ford 5.400-inch applications. You can learn more about the Track Smart rods right here on the Howards Cams website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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