Race car drivers have always been the front-and-center stars of any racing venue. It’s easy to see that those who carve the corners for factory-sponsored Corvette Racing are adored by fans all over the globe, but it would be a huge dis-service to think that they alone carry the cars to the finish line.
In a venue where “Jake” the team mascot is more recognizable than the faces of many who contribute to the team’s greatness, it’s always good to recognize that they are in fact, a group of individuals working together. Mobil1 The Grid just released this video that highlights one of those behind the helmets who reside in the pits, but have as much to do with guiding Corvettes into the winner’s circle as those with a steering wheel in their hands.

Ben Johnson, Corvette Racing Team Manager stands guard at the monitors, watching for any competitive edge by capitalizing on each team member’s strengths, and competitor’s weaknesses.
Ben Johnson has been Corvette Racing’s Team Manager since January 2016 and is instrumental in unifying the efforts of the entire team for a result that is greater than its parts. Tasked with tying various personalities and abilities into a world-renowned effort is more than merely barking orders or reading a script. In the fast-paced world of automotive racing, where conditions can change in the blink of an eye, Ben needs not only the support of the entire team, but also a vast, working knowledge of each competitor, whether on his team, or another.
He has been good at linking us all together, driving us forward and having a good plan – Oliver Gavin, Driver #4 Corvette Racing
Over the decades, we’ve seen Corvette Racing grow as a team, and enjoy time in the spotlight as well as on the podium. The names have changed on some of the fire suits over the decades, but one this is certain – Corvette Racing has served to hold America’s sportscar wheel-to-wheel, alongside some of the best competition that this world has to offer. Consistency and reliability are key components of the winning formula, and that only comes from dedicated, talented individuals who give their all on a regular basis.
Our heartfelt thanks go out to every individual who currently, or in the past, has proudly lifted Corvette’s crossed flags in competition. The world knows that when Corvette Racing shows up, the race isn’t over until the checkered flag and every team member, like Ben Johnson, will have their eyes on that top spot of the podium.