Mickey Thompson Rolls Out Online Photo Gallery For Enthusiasts

Mickey Thompson is a company with a history and street cred that stretches back decades, and is continuing to evolve in the 21st century. More than simply making top-tier wheels, tires, and other products, the company is giving enthusiasts a chance to celebrate their preferred hobby through a new addition to the company website – photo galleries.

Filled with images of rides sporting Mickey Thompson tires or wheels (or both), the galleries showcase the side of Mickey Thompson that keeps its lights on – the fans and customers. Currently, the galleries are divided up into six categories, with each one catering to a different subset of the automotive enthusiasm umbrella: Jeep, Truck, Drag, Street, Specialty, and Heritage.

“There’s no better showcase for our complete lineup of performance tires and wheels than the customers who put them to the ultimate test,” said Ken Warner, Vice President of Marketing, Mickey Thompson Tires & Wheels. “The images in our Galleries section are inspiring and entertaining, and can lead potential buyers to the information they need to choose the best Mickey Thompson products for their projects.”

For the off-road guys, Jeep, truck, specialty, and heritage all host terrific images of Mickey Thompson glory and lore. A particularly cool one is the Challenger IV buggy raced by the man himself back in the 1970s, which you can find in the Specialty category.

Clicking on an image of a vehicle will take you to the exact Mickey Thompson tire that it's showcasing. Very cool!

Drag racing fans, you’ll find a lot to love in the Drag section. We liked the icy blue looks of an LS-swapped, 1500-horsepower SN95 sporting Mickey-made slicks and looking ready to conquer the blacktop.

Street folks, there’s plenty for you, too. From hot rods to muscle cars to late-model pony cars, there are cars galore that all have an aggressive or wild look to them, backed up with blown V8s to contend with.

Go check out each of these galleries on the Mickey Thompson website, and don’t forget to follow the company on Facebook.

Make sure to tag Mickey Thompson tires in your social media posts to have a chance of being featured in the online galleries!

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About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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