Moser Passes Spool Cost Savings To Its Customers

We often hear about companies having to raise the prices of products due to increasing costs, but Moser Engineering isn’t one of those companies. Moser has found a way to reduce the cost of its spools and is passing that savings to its customers.

Moser offers steel spools, aluminum spools, pro spools, profiled spools, and even mini spools. These various spools are available for rearends like the Ford 9-inch, Dana 60, Chevy 12 bolt, and many others. Moser’s spools are all designed and made in the USA too.

How is Moser able to reduce the price of its products that use spools? Well, the company has been working hard to refine its manufacturing processes at its production facilities in Indiana. The streamlining process has allowed Moser to offer cost savings to each of its customers on any product that uses a Moser spool. You’ll also be able to save money on individual spools, or a center section that’s been equipped with a spool.

You can see how many products this covers when you visit Moser’s website. There are numerous rearend options for GM, Ford, and Dodge vehicles that will work with any application. You can customize a rearend or center section that uses a spool with different options based on your build. Moser also offers outstanding turnaround times on the majority of its products as well, so you’ll get what you need fast.

If you’re in the market for a spool, center section, or entire rearend make sure you see what Moser Engineering has right here on the company’s website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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