New for Holley Performance Products LS Fest 2018: The Vintage Class

Each day we are getting closer to the Holley Performance Products mega show, LS Fest. This event has everything an LS performance-oriented enthusiast could ever hope for. Whether you like new cars, old cars, imports, or domestics, LS Fest will not disappoint. So, how does the biggest LS gathering in the world get even better? It was rather simple. The participants made a suggestion and Holley listened. This gave way to a entirely new class at LS Fest: the Vintage Class was added to the Grand Champion Competition.

With a total of three classes of competition, participants will not have to worry about the imbalance between the newer model cars verses the older ones. This will make for a tighter, more competitive field that will most definitely raise the bar for this event. This class will also be carried over into the LS Fest West at Las Vegas Motor Speedway in 2019.

Here’s what the new class breakdown will look like:

The Late Model class will now consist of all 1990 and newer model cars. The new Vintage Class will consist of 1989 and older models. The truck class will not change and all trucks regardless of the year, make, and model are legal.

The Grand Champion participants will need to complete three different challenges to qualify for the prestigious Holley LS Fest Grand Champion Award. This competition will consist of a drag race in one or more classes, two autocross courses with a minimum of three laps on each, and complete a minimum of two laps in the fan favorite 3s Challenge.

We are super excited in anticipation of the Vintage Class this year at the Holley Performance Products LS Fest. If you have never been, you need to figure out a way to get there. It’s three days of nonstop action with drag racing, drifting, autocross, dyno challenge, car show and swap meet. The best part is, it’s all LS and LT engines and you know we love that. The clock is ticking — we hope to see you there! 

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About the author

Brian Havins

A gearhead for life, Brian is obsessed with all things fast. Banging gears, turning wrenches, and praying while spraying are just a few of his favorite things.
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