Bolt-On Steel Flywheel Makes LS Swaps Easy

There is no doubting the benefits an LS swap can bring to your ride, but there have always been obstacles that have deterred many enthusiasts from making the jump to GM’s modern powertrain. One issue when blending these Gen III and Gen IV LS engines with earlier-generation transmissions is the difference in spacing between the two.  LS engine platforms have a crankshaft mounting flange for the flywheel that is roughly 0.375 inches closer to the back of the engine than earlier generation (pre-1997) GM small-blocks. This new 168-tooth, bolt-on steel flywheel from Centerforce bridges the generation gap between those earlier transmissions and the incredibly popular late-model engines.

Centerforce bolt-on steel flywheel

This flywheel mates with 1997 and later GM LS engines and provides for the proper flywheel thickness (0.400 inches) to allow early manual transmissions to be mated with late-model LS engines.

This bolt-on flywheel is designed to mate to 1997 and later GM LS engines while offering the proper flywheel thickness (0.400 inches) to use in conjunction with the mechanical clutch linkage on many common earlier-model transmissions, including Muncie SM465, GM SM420, New Venture NV3550, GM Muncie, Borg Warner, and Richmond 4- and 5-speeds.

This bolt-on flywheel kit includes the pilot bearing and comes pre-drilled with bolt patterns for early GM 11-inch and 12-inch pressure plates (3/8-inch bolts), as well as late-model metric GM 11-inch and 12-inch patterns with dowel pins.

These bolt-on steel flywheels are engineered and made in the USA. For more information about the Centerforce bolt-on steel flywheel, and to order yours to complete your LS swap, contact Centerforce at (800) 932-5882 or visit

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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