HP Tuners Announces 2014 Camaro SS and ZL1 Calibration Support

HP-Tuners-InterfaceHP Tuners is debuting calibration support for the 2014 Camaro SS and ZL1, ensuring that these late-fifth-gen Camaros, get access to all the options previous model year cars have enjoyed including VE Tables, Spark Advance, and more. Each parameters have definitions which allow the calibrator to quickly understand what each represents before deciding how to make an adjustment.

Official Release:

HP Tuners is proud to announce the release of new calibration support for the 2014 Chevrolet Camaro SS and Camaro ZL1 model lineup. The release, which is available now, supports the L99, LS3, and supercharged LSA engine platforms utilizing either the E38 or E67 engine controller. Calibrators and racers will enjoy access to many of the same tables they have become familiar with in earlier model year Fifth-gen Camaros, including Spark Advance, Volumetric Efficiency, and Power Enrichment.

“2014 is an exciting model year where high-tech is becoming higher-tech, with the introduction of direct injection on GM’s flagship Corvette V8! However, professional tuners and 2014 Camaro and ZL1 owners will be pleased to see that the HP Tuners ’14 Camaro release offers tables and parameters that they will be familiar with. This is great news that will allow those pursuing 1000+ HP builds to do so right out of the gate!” said Jay Payson of HP Tuners.

HP Tuners’ 2014 Camaro calibration support gives total control to tuners, racers, and vehicle owners, allowing users to perfectly calibrate and modify the new Camaro family of V8 engines. As always, HP Tuners has maintained the quality and depth that professional calibrators, racers, and owners demand. Each parameter includes a definition, so that a calibrator can quickly understand what each parameter represents before making an adjustment.


  • Supports L99, LS3, and supercharged LSA engine platforms utilizing either the E38 or E67 engine controller
  • Familiar tables include Spark Advance, Volumetric Efficiency, and Power Enrichment
  • Parameters include a definition for calibrators to quickly understand what each parameter represents before making adjustments


About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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