New Dual Plane Intake Manifold Released by Holley for GM LS Engines

For the look and feel of a true muscle car in your GM LS car, look no further than Holley’s new 2X4 Dual-Plane Intake Manifold. Inspired by the dual Holley induction system that made an impact on race tracks of the 1960s, this intake manifold makes your modern LS feel like a true classic.

Official Release:

Holley Releases Holley 2X4 Dual Plane for GM LS Engines

Holley Performance Products is proud to announce their LS 2X4 Dual Plane Mid-Rise intake Manifolds for fuel injected and carbureted engines.

The technology of the LS pushrod engine is now mated with the impressive multi-carb looks and performance of the muscle-car era. The Holley GM LS1/LS2/LS6 2x4V dual-plane Manifold was designed in the tradition of the great dual Holley 4160™ induction systems that competed on drag strips, in Trans-Am, and at Lemans in the 1960s. The dual-plane equal-distribution layout produces great mid-range torque without compromising top end power. The LS engine architecture does not use an intake mounted water neck or distributor so it’s perfect for two Holley Carburetors or throttle bodies and this intake Manifold design takes full advantage of that opportunity. Carbureted and EFI versions support a 1,500- 7,000 rpm power band making it appropriate for any street/performance, muscle car, or street rod enthusiast.

For more information contact Holley Tech Service, 1801 Russellville Road, Bowling Green, KY 42101. Telephone 270-781-9741. For nearest dealer: 1-800-HOLLEY-1. Or visit them on the web at


  • Amazing mid-range torque
  • Available in both carbureted and fuel injected configurations
  • Support a 1,500-7,000 rpm power band

About the author

Lindsey Fisher

Lindsey is a freelance writer and lover of anything with a rumble. Hot rods, muscle cars, motorcycles - she's owned and driven it all. When she's not busy writing about them, she's out in her garage wrenching away. Who doesn't love a tech-savy gal that knows her way around a garage?
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