Pfadt Preps Their LS7-Powered 5th Gen For Camaro5Fest

With Camaro5Fest rapidly approaching this weekend Pfadt Race Engineering is finishing the preparations for their 5th generation Camaro. According to their Facebook page the last minute wrench and thrash session is underway and the clock is ticking with event being only days away.  The guys over a Pfadt have been working on an LS7 conversion for their 2010 Camaro. As of Saturday the guys had just about wrapped up the engine assembly and were almost ready to lower the chassis and subframe over the engine.  By Sunday afternoon the chassis had been lowered over the body and the new LS7 was ready to be fired up. After a few tries the engine roared to life, and from the sound of it there is a lot potential under the hood of the Pfadt Camaro.

Along with the new engine, there are plenty of other modifications underway before leaving for Firebird International Raceway. A rear seat delete kit has been installed, which should reduce weight and hopefully make more efficient use of the new power plant. No corners are being cut on the Camaro; in reality the only corners being cut involve trimming of the interior carpet. Pictures of the new front seats were posted on Facebook yesterday. Around 2pm Monday, pictures emerged of the silver Camaro on the dyno at Ziptie Dynowerks in Salt Lake City. There may be a few remaining details left to finish, but this Camaro should soon be ready to command attention at the second annual Camaro5Fest.

About the author

Lauren Camille

Lauren is a graduate of California State University Fullerton, and has experience working for several enthusiast publications. She enjoys drag racing, classic Fords, and vintage Lincolns. She currently races a 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback, and has a soft spot for 1960’s Lincolns. Currently, her collection includes: ’04 Cobra Convertible, ’65 Mustang Fastback, ’04 F350 6.0 diesel, ’96 Jeep Grand Cherokee, and a ’87 Jeep Wrangler. She provides insightful content as a freelance writer for Power Automedia.
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