Quick Hit: Edelbrock’s Pro Flo 4 EFI Helps With Off-Road Racing

Whether it was how Dad did it or just how you were trained, carbureted engines have been a way of life in car and truck culture. But we all know the frustrations that can come from running carbs – fuel starvation, finicky jets, and so forth. Moving to EFI just makes the most sense nowadays, and Edelbrock makes it easy thanks to the Pro Flo 4 EFI system.

Recently, Chris Brown of the CB Racing team was at King of the Hammers, competing in the Everyman race. It’s every bit as arduous and exhausting as the main event, and has just as much potential to break a vehicle and leave the driver stranded. As a racer in the 4800 Legends class, Chris is racing in a class that keeps adding several new competitors every year. But he’s not racing alone; Edelbrock gave Chris an edge this year when it offered him the Pro Flo 4 system, and things have never been the same.

Edelbrock offers the Pro Flo 4 EFI system in an XT version (left) and 4150 version (right).

The Pro Flo 4 system succeeds where carburetion and throttle body injection falter. The core of the idea is optimized fuel delivery, and it works by placing the injectors further away from the air valve. By having more than one or two injectors, and also placing said injectors farther down the runners, the fuel is drawn directly from the injector and pushed by the incoming air into the combustion chamber. This far surpasses the swirling, unorganized method found in TBI or carbureted setups.

But more than this, the Pro Flo 4 system has tuning capability that can be accessed on a tablet or smartphone, thanks to Edelbrock’s E-Tuner app. The Pro Flow 4’s Bluetooth connectivity and monitoring gauges allow users to see what’s going on in the engine in real time, while also allowing control of air-fuel ratio, idle speed, electric fans, and more. You can see it happening on the dyno in the video below.

Tying this back to Chris Brown and his racing efforts, the Pro Flo 4 system was helpful in maximizing the LS V8’s capability. “Our Pro Flo 4 system gave us the extra horsepower we needed,” said Chris after the race. Although he suffered some setbacks and had to time out of the race less than 30 miles from the finish line, his team had put in its best effort, and hopefully things will turn around as 2019 progresses.

Stay informed on CB Racing’s 2019 schedule by checking out their Facebook page, and don’t forget to check out Edelbrock on its website and Facebook page, too.

Photos: CB Racing and Edelbrock

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About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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