Raybestos Powertrain Builds Performance And Reliability For 10L90E

Today many hot street cars are reaching into the nine-second range in the quarter-mile. Many of these vehicles feature GM’s 10-speed 10L90E transmission. The 10L90E transmission is a 10-speed longitudinal automatic transmission that was designed to operate near the efficiency of a CVT while improving fuel economy in GM high-horsepower vehicles such as the Camaro, Suburban, Tahoe, and Escalade.

GM’s 10-speed transmission is built at its Romulus Powertrain factory in Romulus, Michigan. The beefy 10-speed handles daily driver status quite well, but head into the realm of serious street cars and it can benefit from a little help.

The 10L90E features enough heft to be found behind many GM Performance crate engines such as the LT1, LT4, and LT5. It also features an overdrive in the top three gears with enough of a spread for a straight-outta-the-hole first gear and enough gear changes to keep the engine right in the sweet spot for the full pull.

Clutch packs are comprised of both metal and friction discs inside the transmission. Raybestos Powertrain designs its friction materials in-house for their desired purpose, tailoring each piece for the best reliability, driveability, and smooth operation. Raybestos Powertrain offers both metal and friction discs for the 10L90 transmission.

As many of these vehicles work their way far outside of their intended duty cycle, internal components begin to wear. That’s when Raybestos Powertrain and its line of components to upgrade the venerable 10L90-E transmission begin to really shine. Stock clutch failure can be a common occurrence for racers looking to break the 9-second quarter-mile barrier and Raybestos Powertrain’s GPZ friction clutches have proven to handle the increased horsepower and helped produce dozens of sub-9-second quarter-mile track times. Other benefits of Raybestos Powertrain’s GPZ friction material include an enhanced shift feel, higher horsepower threshold, greater torque capacity, and higher heat resistance. Testing of GPZ revolutionary friction material shows that it outperforms OE materials by as much as 20-percent. Plus, its performance improves as the power increases.

10L90 Raybestos Powertrain RPT shift-pro premium transmission filter kits come complete with OEM-style filters and OEM-style, re-usable transmission pan gaskets.


If you’re looking to beef up your 10L90 transmission, Raybestos Powertrain has many components to take your transmission to the next level. Check out their website for more information and to order your 10L90 or other performance automatic transmission components to keep your ride both quick and reliable.

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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