SAM Tech Announces $30,000 Summer ’24 Scholarship Program

There’s a shortage of skilled machinists and engine builders in the high-performance industry. The School of Automotive Machinists & Technology (SAM Tech) is constantly trying to fill that void with graduates from its programs. SAM Tech is collaborating with Late Model Engines, High Tech Corvette, and Wilson Manifolds to provide $30,000 in scholarships for students who attend the school.

SAM Tech offers programs in engine block, cylinder head, and CNC machining, along with courses in EFI calibration and other areas of study. Students learn the fundamentals of how to run the machines and build engines during their time at the school. Graduates from SAM Tech work in all areas of the high-performance industry for the biggest teams and shops around the world.

This new scholarship program was developed to help bring more fresh faces into the high-performance industry. The SAM Tech Summer ’24 Scholarship program is giving away one $5,000 scholarship, five $2,500 scholarships, and 10 $1,250 scholarships. You can apply for those scholarships right here.

“We have companies and race teams reaching out to us daily to interview our soon-to-be graduates because there is such a need for well-trained engine builders and machinists. So, we got together with Keith Wilson from Wilson Manifold, along with the owners of LME, and High Tech Corvette who are SAM Tech graduates to create the Summer ’24 Scholarship program. Our goal is to fill this need for skilled people within our industry,” says SAM Tech’s Kim Klevenhagen.

The deadline to apply for the Summer ’24 Scholarship program is August 14, 2024, at 11:59pm CST. You can learn more about the program, see what’s required to enter and read the official rules right here.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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