SEMA 2022: Griot’s Garage Debuts Boss Hybrid Micro Polisher

We like to keep a clean, sanitary ride around these parts. Not only does a spotless car look good going down the boulevard, but it runs better when it’s at its shiny best. We have a soft spot for Griot’s Garage products and have used them for years, so we were keen to check out what they brought to SEMA for 2022.

griot's garage

We caught up with the lovely Griot’s rep Stevie at their booth over in the West Hall, and she gave us an update on their all-new Boss Hybrid Micro Polisher. In a nutshell, this is a cordless buffer that can accept one, two, and three-inch pads, helping you get into the most intricate nooks and crannies of your ride’s bodywork. Anyone with a modern car (or a vintage car with curves and fenders) can appreciate how tricky it is to polish around flourishes in the bodywork.

Griot's garage

Not only that, but the polishing head can pivot into 90-, 45-, 30-, and 15-degree positions, allowing even better angles to get the tricky spots. The frosting on the cake is that it’s battery-powered, eliminating the dreaded cord dragging across not only your shoulder but your car’s precious paint. Griot’s Garage says you get up to an hour of polishing per charge.

The company invented the one-stop detailing superstore years ago, and they aren’t standing still. They have an updated selection of garage tools, ceramic coatings, applicators, and a slick new catalog too. Go here for more info.

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About the author

Dave Cruikshank

Dave Cruikshank is a lifelong car enthusiast and an editor at Power Automedia. He digs all flavors of automobiles, from classic cars to modern EVs. Dave loves music, design, tech, current events, and fitness.
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