Take a Closer Look at The “Transformers 2” Bumblebee Camaro

We found a great pictorial spread of one of the Camaro’s used in the move Transformers 2 over at TFW2005.com. They have a website that is, essentially, dedicated heart and soul to all things related to the “Transformers” franchise.

What started out in the 1980’s as simple Hasbro toys that converted from cars to toy robots grew into a cartoon show, and has now spawned an empire. The last two Transformers movies have grossed hundred of millions of dollars in the process and have also provided GM with some much needed product placement.

The character “Bumblebee” in the movies is portrayed by the new 2010 Camaro. In the first movie of 2007 he was actually a special made prototype that was used to generate hype for the upcoming Camaro.

He looked a little different that the Camaro you see here as he was (basically) a stock Camaro SS. In the 2009 Transformers 2 movie Bumblebee grew into what looks shockingly like the Camaro Z/28 concept images we saw running around, though this Camaro does not have any badging as such.

It’s rumored that the Camaro Z/28 was to be offered as a 2010 model, just after Transformers 2 was released, but that the GM bankruptcy threw a glitch in special performance versions of GM cars, specifically the Z/28.

We’re excited to see what Bumblebee will look like in this summer’s release of “Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon.” Will he be a Z/28 again? We’ll have to wait and see. We’re just glad he’s not a VW Bug as he was in the 1980’s cartoons.

About the author

Robert Kibbe

Robert Kibbe is the owner of TheMuscleCarPlace.com and host of the weekly Muscle Car Place podcast show. He's based in Ames, IA, is married with 3 kids, and still thinks the General Lee is cool.
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