The Owner Of XS Power Batteries Shows Off His 2014 CTS-V At PRI


This gorgeous CTS-V caught our eye at this year’s PRI show and, turns out, it’s actually the owner of XS Power Batteries‘ car, Scotty Johnson. We decided to take a quick little stop at their booth to snap a couple pictures and get some details on this build.

With the connections brought on thanks to his business, this build quickly became quite a show stopper. Brady from XS explains, “You never start with the intention of going totally crazy, but [this build] got out of control.” Scotty partnered with Boost Addict and worked with a few of the guys from Discovery’s Street Outlaws, as well as many other large names in the performance industry to get this car how it is today.

As the build progressed, many locals and Cadillac gurus started taking notice and partnering with Scotty as well. Aside from the obvious D3 wide body and unique vinyl wrap, it features Rennen wheels, an Airlift kit, custom splitters, and custom Oracle lighting.



On the performance side, Boost Addicts did all of the engine assembly work and now, it boasts a full Stainless Works stainless steel exhaust, Trick Flow custom ported heads, a Lingenfelter cooling kit, a Neal Chance torque converter, and a water methanol kit from Nitrous Express. Brady said, “Nitrous Express shipped the water meth kit to us on Wednesday and it was on the car and ready to go by Friday.” It pushes over 850 horsepower, with more to come– soon, they will be adding a 200 shot of nitrous… As if it wasn’t crazy enough already.

About the author

Jenna Schiebe

Jenna’s addiction to all things automotive began soon after she was introduced to the car scene at age 16. She has a special interest in imports but, at the end of the day, is a enthusiast that loves anything that goes fast.
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