US Shift’s Quick 6 Transmission Controller With Remote Display

Are you a classic car enthusiast, a truck lover, or a motorhome owner looking to modernize your ride? Or perhaps you’re a performance seeker aiming to take control of your modern vehicle’s transmission for that extra edge? Look no further, as the US Shift Quick 6 transmission controller from Bauman Electronic Controls is here to transform your driving experience.

A Leap in Transmission Control

The Quick 6 is not just any transmission controller; it’s a powerhouse built on the innovative REVolution architecture. It breathes new life into vehicles that initially didn’t support an electronic 6R80 transmission, offering a seamless blend of old-school charm with cutting-edge technology. It usurps the OEM computer for modern cars, handing you the reins to fine-tune shift points, firmness, and torque converter engagement.

The all-new Quick 6 Remote Display with Remote Display controller allows monitoring and control of your system from a convenient location without the need to mount the controller in a conspicuous location. The Remote Display’s OLED display is 33-percent larger than the standard internal display. 

Intuitive Remote Display

The game-changer is the Quick 6 Remote Display, a sleek addition that allows you to monitor and control your system without compromising your vehicle’s aesthetics. With a 33-percent larger OLED display and an enlarged home screen mode, it’s designed for ease of use, especially when paddle shifting. Its compact size, lightweight design, and precision CNC-machined anodized aluminum housing make it a stylish yet functional upgrade.

Enhanced User Experience

The Quick 6 promises an engaging driving experience by making the transmission an integral part of your journey. It offers a hands-on approach to managing your vehicle’s performance, with easy-to-use controls and comprehensive diagnostic tools. The Gen2 controllers boast improved power efficiency, advanced thermal management, and robust protection circuitry, ensuring reliability and longevity.

Future-Proof Your Ride

With the Quick 6, you’re not just upgrading your vehicle but future-proofing it. The controller supports various transmissions and vehicles, adapting to customer demand and technological advancements. Its self-tuning process simplifies setup and maximizes adaptability, ensuring your car performs at its best, regardless of modifications or power levels.

Join the REVolution

Embrace the future of transmission control with the Quick 6. Whether cruising in a classic car or pushing the limits in a modern machine, the Quick 6 is your ticket to a more complete and enjoyable driving experience. Dive into the details, explore the possibilities, and join the revolution redefining vehicle performance.

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About the author

Dave Cruikshank

Dave Cruikshank is a lifelong car enthusiast and an editor at Power Automedia. He digs all flavors of automobiles, from classic cars to modern EVs. Dave loves music, design, tech, current events, and fitness.
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