Vengeance Racing Gets New Look With Distinctive Concrete Concepts

Concrete floor coatings are a popular product in the automotive industry due to their numerous benefits. More and more automotive shops are opting for concrete floor coatings to enhance the durability, safety, and aesthetics of their workspaces. Even DIY enthusiasts are taking advantage of the benefits of floor coatings and turning their home garages and shop spaces into professional-looking work areas.

Photos By: Dante Donati

Distinctive Concrete Concepts

Vengeance Racing recently underwent an update and makeover to its facility over the winter months that included new lighting, repainting surfaces, and completely redoing the shop’s approximately 8,500 square-foot floor. Vengeance Racing’s owner, Ron Mowen, is admittedly very particular about who he works with and about the appearance of the Vengeance Racing headquarters. “I’m an extremely OCD individual and that carries over into the shop environment,” Mowen said.

While performing his due diligence, a company by the name of Distinctive Concrete Concepts piqued his interest for two primary reasons. First, they use a proprietary floor coating formula and second, Distinctive Concrete Concepts offers a lifetime warranty in writing that covers the work they perform. The company offers a range of coating products and options, including coatings with anti-slip protection, facility safety coatings, industrial concrete fillers, and more. There was just one potential hurdle, Distinctive Concrete Concepts is located in Fort Worth, Texas. “I thought there was no way they would want to travel all the way to Georgia to do the floors of our facility,” Mowen said.

It turns out that’s exactly what the team at Distinctive Concrete Concepts wanted to do. With a plan in place, the crew made the trek from Texas to Vengeance Racing and transformed the entire shop floor. Not only did they make the long haul to Georgia, but the Distinctive Concrete Concepts team got straight to work immediately upon their arrival. “These guys are hard chargers and go-getters,” Mowen said. He was most impressed by the pride the crew took in their work and the attention to detail.

You could tell they wanted the floors to be perfect. — Ron Mowen, Owner, Vengeance Racing

In just four days Distinctive Concrete Concepts sanded the floors, addressed and filled cracks and seams, applied a base coat and clear coat along with sprinkling in anti-slip material. The cherry on top for Mowen is the Vengeance Racing logo that was embedded under the floor’s clear coat. Looking at the finished product it’s easy to see some of the benefits of a quality floor coating applied by professionals. Having your floors coated can be a significant upgrade to improving productivity whether it’s in a commercial shop or a personal garage.

Distinctive Concrete Concepts’ durable and long-lasting floor coating can withstand heavy foot traffic, machinery, and spills. This means that the floor will require less maintenance and repair work, thus saving time and money in the long run. Additionally, they recommend their coatings be cleaned with nothing more than Dawn soap and water, and there is no need for harsh chemicals or detergents. Not only do the floors look amazing, but the maintenance required to keep them looking new is minimal. Mowen informed us, “We’re two months into the life of the flooring and it looks like the day they left.” It’s apparent that Mowen is more than happy with the work and product of Distinctive Concrete Concepts. Perfect was the word he used multiple times when describing his new shop floors.

As automotive enthusiasts, we sometimes get excited about things that others simply don’t understand, and high-quality shop floors are one of those things. If you are in the market for upgrading your shop or garage floors Distinctive Concrete Concepts is worth consideration based on their product, warranty, quality of work, and the fact they are willing to travel. For additional information, you can reach Distinctive Concrete Concepts at their website.

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About the author

Jeremy Nichols

Jeremy loves to go fast, whether that's on two wheels, four wheels, or boating. With a willingness to compete at almost anything, Jeremy shoots competition long-range rifles matches and races road bicycles and enjoys building vehicles for people.
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