Video: This 2,400 Horsepower Corvette Is Hard To Contain

We live in an exciting and frankly incredible time, no matter from what angle you view the world. For automotive enthusiasts, never before have there been faster or more powerful performance cars to choose from, no matter what you’re into. Add to that a vibrant aftermarket community and rebounding economy, and there no longer seems to be any upper limits on horsepower.

unicorn-1That’s how you end up with a car like this, a C6 Corvette boasting two 88mm turbochargers, a 400 horsepower two-stage nitrous kit, and over 1,700 horsepower at the wheels on low boost. At high boost? More in the neighborhood of 2,400 horsepower, a maddening amount that, as you’ll see, can be difficult to control.

It’s an absolutely bonkers amount of power to be sure, and almost certainly more than is really necessary for, well, anything except the highest echelons of drag racing. That’s what this ‘Vette was exactly built for though the owner now seems keen on long-distance, high-speed runs like the Texas Mile. Unfortunately, top speed runs require a different suspension setup than quarter-mile drag racing, which turns into a serious traction problem once the ‘Vette gets under way.

At these power levels and speeds, even the slightest bit of indecision or squirreliness from the suspension can result in an awful wreck. Even so the “Unicorn” ‘Vette, as it is referred to in the video, manages to make a 180 MPH pass. Not quite the 200 MPH they were aiming for, but a solid run all the same. Perhaps with less power and a better suspension, things would be different?

There’s always next time.


About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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