Video: Big Muscle Asks Is This 1970 Chevelle Too Modernized?

Customizing cars can stir up the question: How far is too far? While the pro-touring scene is alive and well, even growing on a monthly basis, is there a point where a car can actually be too modified with modern amenities that it actually takes away from the muscle car that once was? On this week’s Big Muscle, host Mike Musto proposes this question about Mark Bachman’s 1970 Chevelle. Check it out in the video above to make your own decision on if this car is the cream of the crop, or just…not.

Of the three generations of Chevelles produced from 1964 to 1977, the second generation (1968-1972) is by far the most popular sub-category of the Chevy muscle car. Known for their sportier lines and potent drivetrain combinations, second-gen Chevelles have what a vast majority of enthusiasts want. But that’s not the case with Bachman. While he doesn’t dislike the middle-generation model, Bachman found many ways to improve the standard Chevelle to make it his ultimate vehicle.

Underneath the hood, you’ll find a stroked LS2 engine, capable of producing 580hp and 530 ft-lbs of torque. This is tied to a 4L65e automatic transmission and supported by a Strange Engineering rearend and Global West suspensions system. The Chevelle also features Wilwood brakes, billet wheels and touches of chrome and stainless that are just enough to make the car’s orange/bronze colored paint pop a little bit more.

While all of this may lead you to believe that this car was constructed as a pro-touring car, you would be mistaken. In fact, Bachman merely wanted to create a car that him and his wife could get in and drive 1,000 miles in pure comfort. Part of this comfort comes from the amazingly custom full leather, two-toned interior, complete with Vintage Air, navigation, power windows and even rain-sensing wipers.

In the end, Bachman’s car looks like a classic American muscle car, sounds like a muscle car when you jump on it and handles much better than anything that came out of the factory back in the day, but is it still a muscle car? Actually, it’s more. Bachman found a way to have his cake and eat it too with this car, incorporating modern technology, performance, speed and luxury all into one vehicle. Sure, it’s not everyone’s taste, but isn’t the whole point of building a customized car about building for your own personal tastes?


About the author

Lindsey Fisher

Lindsey is a freelance writer and lover of anything with a rumble. Hot rods, muscle cars, motorcycles - she's owned and driven it all. When she's not busy writing about them, she's out in her garage wrenching away. Who doesn't love a tech-savy gal that knows her way around a garage?
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