LS fans, today we have taken the time to answer the question that most likely wasn’t even on the back of your minds. Who would win in a tug-o-war; a Corvette C5 Z06 or a 2nd Generation Chevy Blazer? A group of gearheads took the time to answer this question for us. They decided to have a real life burnout tug-o war between the two bowties.
This competition likely either spawned from suburban boredom, bench racing turned into arguing or just ol’ plain craziness. We are sure the Blazer owner was bragging about his pulling power thanks his 4.3L mill (and its most likely been hot rodded) while the Z06 owner was proud of the 405 horses and 400 pound feet of torque his all aluminum LS6 produces. The two of them decided to prove once and for all who had the most pulling power. They took to parking lot where they set up a Monster Jam style course, or at least the low buck equivalent, complete with a tow cable attached to both axles with a black ribbon tied on it, and used a tar line as the center.
Both cars began their burnout, and the Z06 showed an impressive display of power but was no match for the rugged pulling strength of the Blazer. It was over in a matter of seconds as the Blazer, without even breaking a sweat, pulled the lightweight Vette across the center line. Perhaps if these guys were to drag race things would turn out differently and the Corvette would be on top.