Video: Concept One’s Victory Series HD For High Power LS Engines

We’ve talked about the mantra before: Bigger is better, and often times we’ll be the first to tell you that’s not always the case – especially when it comes to carburetors. There comes a time when rather than going bigger, it’s better to match your component to your engine. This time, however, we’re talking about Concept One’s new Victory Series HD Pulley System for high-horsepower LS street engines.

c1vshd1When it comes to front drives, Concept One knows a thing or two about putting these kits together. After all, the company was founded on the principal of getting the right pulleys together on the engine so everything lines up and works properly. As engines have progressed, so have front drive kits from C1 Pulleys.

We’ve put together a front drive kit for our LS-powered 1969 Camaro running an LS7, and with the direction that LS swaps are going with regards to supercharging, C1 had created a stronger front drive kit to handle the addition of a roots-style supercharger. That kit included a stronger, wider, eight-groove drive belt, versus the standard six-groove.

Since the concept of bigger is better works for this type of setup, Concept One has decided that 500+ horsepower LS street engines could benefit from a similar drive system as the supercharged kits. But rather than simply changing pulleys and the drive belt, C1’s Kevin Redd tells us in the video above that additional brackets and a heavy-duty tensioner. The additional brackets and tensioner add strength to high-power higher revving engines, and a new, billet thermostat housing addresses clearance issues that occur with a bulkier drive system such as this.

In addition to the added support and components, there are four alternator options to the Victory Series HD kit, as well as a choice in black or clear anodized finish, polished or machined finish. Visit the Concept One Pulley Systems website for LS and other GM and Ford applications, and subscribe to the C1 YouTube channel to keep up with its Shop Talk video series.

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About the author

Michael Harding

Michael is a Power Automedia contributor and automotive enthusiast who doesn’t discriminate. Although Mopar is in his blood, he loves any car that looks great and drives even faster.
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