Video: Full Size, Remote Control Corvette Does Donuts On The Track

The mastermind behind this autonomous creation, Bjorn Harms, had a dream of building a full-size remote control car. He turned to his personal Chevrolet Corvette, modified it, and now, it can be driven normally and commanded via an RC controller.

There were (and still are) tons of skeptics, “There are a lot of people that think it’s fake, but it really isn’t. It’s an RC car with 404 horsepower,” said Bjorn. “Is it crazy? Definitely.”

He managed to hide all of the wiring and controls, making this the only RC vehicle ever created to have everything appear like a completely stock car. Bjorn did the entire project by himself and after a year and a half of development and testing, the finished product is seamless.

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Using a radio controller in his hands, radio waves are sent to a receiver in the vehicle’s glove box. The signals are then decoded and sent back to various motors to control different parts of the car. The wheel on the controller controls the steering wheel, the trigger controls the gas pedal, etc.

Watch the video, as from the inside, the steering wheel can be seen turning itself. Kind of scary, huh? Bjorn claims, just like any new car, you definitely have to get a feel for the braking and acceleration. “As an inventor, there comes a time where you really have to try it on the streets and see if it all works,” said Bjorn. “The first test drive was pretty much terrifying.”

You can read more about Bjorn and his creation here.

About the author

Jenna Schiebe

Jenna’s addiction to all things automotive began soon after she was introduced to the car scene at age 16. She has a special interest in imports but, at the end of the day, is a enthusiast that loves anything that goes fast.
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