Video: Lingenfelter LS9 Camaro Hits the 9’s!

Straight from the factory, the 2010 Camaro is a fierce competitor. The 6.2-liter LS3 engine delivers 420 horsepower (in manual transmission form) and can easily knock down the ¼-mile in 13.5-seconds. Yet GM makes many other V8 engines, including the 638 horsepower LS9 engine. Wouldn’t it be great if that engine showed up under the hood of a Camaro? GM won’t do it, but a handful of aftermarket companies already have.

Lingenfelter Performance Engineering is one of those companies. We found a video of their latest run with their LS9 Camaro on, and it is blisteringly fast.

GM does sell a crate engine version of its LS9 engine, and Lingenfelter has taken that engine and made it even better. It maintains the GM factory supercharger, but with a bigger supercharger pulley and intercooler. It also received one of Lingenfelter’s hopped-up camshafts, and a twin-pump fuel system. And on top of all of that, Lingenfelter tossed a 200 shot of nitrous on the engine.

All told, it was good enough for Lingenfelter’s LS9 Camaro to run a 9.596 in the quarter mile at over 152 mph. Wow. To handle all that power, Lingenfelter replaced the stock transmission with a RPM Transmission’s TR6060 unit, and Lingenfelter added their own suspension system to it as well. The car maintains its factory air and radio, but it also ran on 109 octane. Still, it is hard to argue with a car this fast that sounds this mean.

About the author

Kevin Shaw

Kevin Shaw is a self-proclaimed "muscle car purist," preferring solid-lifter camshafts and mechanical double-pumpers over computer-controlled fuel injection and force-feeding power-adders. If you like dirt-under-your-fingernails tech and real street driven content, this is your guy.
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