Video: Locating Forgeline Wheel Serial Numbers

Forgeline Motorsports has designed, engineered, and manufactured its outstanding wheels right here in the USA since 1994. Each wheel is made-to-order from scratch for your specific application. This means it takes a little longer to get your wheels, but the final product is worth the wait.

If you decide to buy a set of Forgeline wheels second-hand, you can find out all the information about the wheel thanks to its serial number. You can contact Forgeline with the serial number, and a representative can give you information about your wheels. They can tell you when the wheel was made, what color it was originally, offset, size, width, and other information.

Depending on the Forgeline wheel, the serial number will be in a different location. Each serial number will be 10 digits long, and include the original manufacturing date of the wheel. For example, the one-piece Monoblock wheels have the serial number engraved on the outside circumference that faces the vehicle. If you’ve got a three-piece Forgeline wheel, the serial number is located on outside edge of the pad. For older wheels that were made before 2010, the serial number can be found on the inner register of the wheel.

Forgline has put together this great video that’s hosted by company president Dave Schardt. In this video, Schardt shows you exactly where the serial number can be found on different wheels. Schardt also goes into detail about the information that each serial number will provide.

You can learn more about Forgline Motorsports wheels right here on the company’s website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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