The 2017 Mid America Motorworks Corvette Funfest is going strong! Now in it’s 24th year, it’s better than ever. Not just a mere car show, it’s a multi-media extravaganza with Corvettes, music, contests, and curated displays that educate and enlighten.
Grand Poobah–and head cheerleader–Mike Yager knows how to throw a party. His top notch team expertly pulled off organizing this big event, which is no small task.
They say you can measure a man by his family and by all accounts, the Yager clan is a close knit, cohesive unit with everyone pitching in to run the business and join in on the fun. Laurie, Michael, Michael, Blake and Tabbi–along with a huge support staff–co-ordinate this enormous undertaking without breaking a sweat.
Killer 1973 Restomod. Look for a feature on this car soon. NCRS--Not Correctly Restored Stingray--approved!
This year’s highlights include, the 50th birthday of the 1967 Corvette, a new drag racing event, celebrity car picks, a Corvette cruise through the Effingham countryside, fundraiser dinner for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, a big pow wow with Corvette club head honchos and a Saturday night concert with the band “World Classic Rockers.”
Nasty C6 racer looked and sounded sinister.
The weather was nice and, luckily, there was no rain this year. We took a tour through Mike Yager’s Garage–MYGarage– and he added a bunch of C5 prototypes as new additions to the already packed shrine to all things Corvette. MYGarage is a killer and a must see of any pilgrimage to Funfest.
Parking lot has cool cars too. We spotted this pristine, '75 White roadster with "Oxblood" interior. Sublime.
There is much to see here at this Corvette hootenanny. The Mid America Motorwork’s grounds are huge and even though the Yager’s gave me a golf cart this year, there is a lot of ground to cover here. Bring your water bottles, walking shoes and hat and leave dress shoes and high heels back home.
There are many vendors on-site selling all sorts of products, We even found one that gave us a foot massage with some special creme that has cannabis oil in it! Totally far out, man. Whoa.
Then there are the Chevy disciples and the Corvettes. Acres and acres of Corvettes…Many are Funfest regulars and are well versed in the event.
Every generation of Corvette is represented here. From C1s, to ratty C3s, all the way up to late model stuff, which accounted for at least 75% of the cars on the grass.
Also, if you like to shop for Corvette goodies you’re in for a treat. There’s the Install Dome, where you can install wheels, tires, exhaust, clear film bras and more.
The Fun Dome has every shirt, ball cap, toaster cozy and darn near anything else you can think of with a Corvette logo on it.
Stay tuned to Corvette Online and Corvette Online Facebook for all the updates. Today, Saturday, is the biggest day! I will be live streaming events all day on Facebook. Stay with me!