Video: Motorweek Tests the 750 HP SLP ZL1 Camaro

The Tuners at SLP, who produced the legendary Firehawk and literally tens of thousands of 4th generation dealer-tuned Camaro SS models, are now making a mark on the 5th Gen Camaro with their line of 2010 and 2011 “ZL” Camaros. The top-dog of the ZL line is, of course, the SLP ZL1, which boasts a supercharged LS7 that pumps out an astonishing 750 HP, making it the most powerful car that SLP has ever produced.

Just a few weeks ago we brought you a story on Edmunds Inside Line’s test of the new SLP ZL1 Camaro, and now the guys at Motorweek are taking a crack at this supercharged 427 terror in this video we recently came across on YouTube. Just like the Inside Line test, the Motorweek crew found the ZL1 to be a formidable competitor in every test they ran it through. The SLP ZL1 laid down an 11.1 at 129 MPH the quarter, and reached 60 MPH in just 3.2 seconds. And although they expected the ZL1 to be a handful on the road course, they reported that the car handled very well through even the toughest turns thanks to the full SLP suspension, and the confidence inspiring Brembo GT-6 brakes.

We definitely agree with Motorweek that the impressive thing about this car is not that they were able to wring out 750 HP from the LS7 – bolting on a supercharger is about as easy as falling out of a tree – but that SLP was able to harness all of that power in a complete package that is as comfortable and compliant on the street as it is aggressive at the track.

About the author

Clifton Klaverweiden

Clifton has been a car fanatic since his late teens, when he started the restoration of his '67 Camaro. He considers himself a student of automotive science and technology, and particularly loves all things LSX. And, although he has an appreciation for everything, from imports to exotics, his true passion will always be for GM musclecars.
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