Video: Paul Newman Biopic ‘Winning’ Gets A Trailer

1Paul Newman may be best known for his acting career, but much like Steve McQueen, Newman was also a serious racing competitor and avid fan of all things automotive. Not be confused with the 1969 film Winning, which also stars Newman in a fictional race car driver Frank Capua, who’s gunning to win the Indianapolis 500, Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman is a documentary that’s been in development since 2013, and focuses specifically on Newman’s real-life racing career, which was kick started by the actor’s work on the aforementioned 1969 film.

At the helm of the project is none other than Adam Corolla, well-known talk show host and certified gearhead in his own right, who happens to have a particularly keen interest in Newman’s racing career, as evidenced by his ownership of no less than five of the cars that Newman raced.

The documentary will include interviews with racing icons like Mario Andretti and Sam Posey, as well as other entertainment industry luminaries with a penchant for automobiles, including Jay Leno, Robert Redford and Robert Wagner.


A private screening of the new film is scheduled for Thursday, April 16th in Hollywood, and while we can’t give you access to the screening, we can provide the trailer above, as well as a reasonable amount of confidence that the film has been completed.

The film is set for an official public release on May 22nd, which happens to be the Friday before the 99th Indianapolis 500, Monaco Grand Prix and Coca-Cola 600. We doubt that’s a coincidence.

About the author

Bradley Iger

Lover of noisy cars, noisy music, and noisy bulldogs, Brad can often be found flogging something expensive along the twisting tarmac of the Angeles Forest.
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