VIDEO: ProCharger Celebrates 100+ Customer National Championships

Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 2.13.13 PMProCharger has long been established as one of the leaders in supercharging technology, from a daily driven street cars to monster output drag cars. The company is also constantly pushing the envelope to ensure it’s customers have the best chance to come out on top race after race. They’ve also established a tradition of ensuring their customers get plenty of ink. They feature customer rides prominently on their website, in their print and online ads, and they often make stellar promotional videos featuring some of their championship winning drivers, like the one you see here.

Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 2.14.11 PMIn their most recent video, you’ll find some instantly-recognizable names, especially if you follow small-tire racing. Championship winners such as Sean “Hollywood” Ashe, Phil Hines, and Andy Manson all make appearances, as do Blue Oval legends Bart Tobener, Tim Matherly and John Urist, who captured his record seventh Street Outlaw title in 2014. The recurring praise from these racers centers around durability and performance from ProCharger’s products and excellent service from the company’s staff.

With over one hundred national championships in various classes over the past 15 years, the company clearly knows what it’s customers need to win and win often. And you can see that in this latest video, with champions across the vast spectrum of heads-up drag racing, including the NMCA, NMRA, and small-tire . With the current stable of racers on the ProCharger team, it’s sure to add to that total in spades in the coming race season and beyond.

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About the author

Jeremy Patterson

A former bracket racer, Jeremy, known by many as "Taco," stepped out of the seat in 2005 to focus on his growing family. A few years ago, he returned to the sport, this time as a photographer and a journalist.
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