If you have ever worked in a machine shop or manufacturing environment, you may have encountered the cool clinically-clean lab environment of a quality control room. All gear heads can appreciate precision and geek out on cool tools so the QC process is one interesting facet of production.
Along with our universal love for tools and a clean shop space, rod ends, also known as misalignment or heim joints, are a commonly shared component for almost any custom chassis or suspension application. QA1 provides builders with rod ends for all sorts of uses; tie rods, suspension links and more. To ensure that the bearings they produce can handle the loads enthusiasts are expected to show them, they undergo an extensive quality control check.
Starting with the threads and a set of go/no-go gauges, Jeremy Beane of QA1 walks us through the simple process of ensuring the machined threads are correct. Next up is some simple dimensional testing, first with calipers Beane measures the thickness of the rod end bearing and the length of the threaded shaft. Introducing another precision measuring tool, Beane uses gauge pins to check the inside diameter of the rod end.
To make sure the heat treat was completed correctly on the respective components of the rod end the ball and housing are indented by a Rockwell hardness machine. Finally certain parts are spot checked by destructive testing. Using a special machine the rod end is intentionally pulled apart and the data analyzed to make sure it meets specs. For more info on what goes into QA1 rod ends check out their other videos and site.