Video: Recall Victim Asks GM To Finance Him a New Camaro

Have you ever had a string of bad luck? It doesn’t necessarily happen to everyone, nor does it happen very often. But when it strikes, it strikes with a vengence. Take the gentleman in this YouTube video for instance (please excuse the improper video layout).  A couple of years ago he was able to put himself behind he wheel of a brand new Camaro SS, and life couldn’t be better.

Here he show's us the faulty part that started the fire in the first place.

But since that time, he’s changed career paths and started his own business. As a result his credit score has fallen drastically and he now has bad credit. To make things far, far worse, his slick new Camaro was under an electrical recall that he wasn’t aware of…and it ultimately caught fire, burning everything in front of the windshield to a crisp.

The owner has added a lot of personal touches to the crispy Camaro, like Lambo-style doors, and strangely, random stickers including those to mimic the ones you see on modern Hot Wheel cars. He also misspells Camaro several times in his YouTube video description, but at this point, it’s not really relevant.

His insurance paid off the loan, but thanks to his current credit status he can’t get financed for a new one. He’s not looking for a free replacement. He doesn’t want anybody to give him a brand new $40,000 car. But he loves the new Camaros so much that he’s literally begging GM to finance him for another one.

The gent makes it clear that the current Camaro is, in his opinion, the best car ever made and he’s adamant that he can swing the monthly payments on a new ZL1 or SS.  Think GM should help this guy out?



About the author

Rick Seitz

Being into cars at a very early age, Rick has always preferred GM performance cars, and today's LS series engines just sealed the deal. When he's not busy running errands around town in his CTS-V, you can find him in the garage wrenching on his WS6 Trans Am, or at the local cruise spots in his Grand National.
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