Video: Rockin’ Not Rollin’- Under Car View of BMR 5th Gen Autocross

No doubt about it, the 5th Gen Camaro is an all-around great car. However, because its designed primarily for street use and not for the rigors of a track or autocross, there are , shall we say, a few shortcomings. As you will no doubt remember from our huge 5th Gen Suspension and Handling guide, two of the big handling limitations with the 5th Gen are the mushy rubber bushings holding the rear IRS cradle and differential in place, which are designed to give a cushy and comfortable ride on the street. In this video we came across on YoutTube, the owner of this 5th gen demonstrates the difference that can be made by just replacing those pedestrian rubber bushings.

The caption to the video states that the car is a 2010 Camaro SS with over 600 HP, and has had the rear subframe and differential bushings swapped for some replacements from BMR. During the blast around the autocross we get an up-close and personal view of the rear differential and subframe as the driver channels all 600 of those ponies right to the rear diff and subframe. Even the rubber exhaust hangers seem to be having a hard time holding on.

Compared to many of the undercarriage videos we’ve seen of 5th Gens with stock bushings, the difference is huge. If you’re looking to eliminate the vagueness in the rear of your 5th gen, and want to maximize every bit of engineering built into that IRS, check out BMR’s full line of suspension components.

About the author

Clifton Klaverweiden

Clifton has been a car fanatic since his late teens, when he started the restoration of his '67 Camaro. He considers himself a student of automotive science and technology, and particularly loves all things LSX. And, although he has an appreciation for everything, from imports to exotics, his true passion will always be for GM musclecars.
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