This is one of those vehicles that makes us scratch our head at first, but in the end we have to give it a big thumbs up. It isn’t a true Tri-Five in any sense, but this cascade green sand rail has to be one of the more oddball creations out there today.
Seen at a variety of venues over the past (at least) six years, this curiosity made an appearance in a video filmed at Gordon’s Well, Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area, located in Imperial County in California. Dated President’s Day (February 18), 2008, the video depicts the “Chevy” blazing its way across open desert as part of a mass sand drag amidst dune buggies and motorcycles.
Truth be told, there isn’t much known about the owner or reason behind the car, but hey; when you think about it, who wouldn’t want a car as awesome as this? Nevertheless, we dug and dug and dug some more to try and find out what we could about the off-roader, and we were eventually led to none other than, where user TinyT869 offered us the following tidbit:
“Hey guys and gals, [I] came across this today on the net. A [’57 Bel Air-bodied] sandrail, LS1 powered. Over 20 inches of suspension travel and will only cost ya about 250 grand to have one parked in [your] garage. I tried to post pics here, but they are in the photo gallery. Let me know what you think.”
The gallery was nowhere to be found, but a picture with the watermark “” was posted by another forum member in the same thread. The URL’s license has long since expired and no longer works, but perhaps you, dear reader, have a line on this awesome ride?
Leave a comment below letting us know what you think of this paddle-tired anomaly, and we’ll keep up the search to find out the who/what/where/when/why/how of this bizarre Bowtie.