Whipple’s 3.0L Supercharger Makes For Major Horsepower Gains

When it comes to boost, we’re all in, and so is Whipple Superchargers. The company has been boosting the performance industry since 1987. One of its more popular items for the sixth-gen Camaro is the 3.0L supercharger system that makes for significant horsepower gains. Designed for use on a stock engine, the Whipple system is comprehensive and has the adaptability needed to pair with just about any other performance modifications. Luckily, National Speed put together a fantastic time-lapse showing how easy this kit makes it to pick up some serious power.

Whipple’s 3.0L supercharger was the first positive displacement supercharger system for fuel-injected, emissions-compliant GM vehicles.  Their team has developed the most advanced intercooler twin-screw supercharger system available for a Chevrolet Camaro today after over three decades of committed research and development in GM twin-screw supercharging. If it wasn’t apparent that this system is a standout component, it has a remarkable 99 percent volumetric efficiency and delivers unprecedented power capabilities.

There is a long list of facts that back the science behind Whipple’s supercharger system; let’s talk about the dyno numbers that National Speed made with this LT1 engine. While installing the supercharger, they did some other common sense performance mods that consist of the GM Gen-V LT4 Direct Injection fuel pump, GM Gen-V LT4 fuel injectors, Roto-Fab Big Gulp air-intake system, Roto-Fab stock throttle body, Stainless Works long-tube headers, GESi G-Sport GEN2 catalytic converters, NGK 6510 LTR7IX-11 spark plugs, and the Mighty Mouse Solutions catch can.

Whipple Supercharger

National Speed was able to pick up 260 horsepower and 227 torque.

The stock dyno numbers show that this SS Camaro made its peak 414.10 horsepower at 5,710 rpm and 422.21 torque at 4,410 rpm. After what seemed to be a seamless installation of all the performance parts, they made a peak horsepower of 674.42 horsepower at 6,260 rpm and 649.44 torque at 4,150 rpm. As you can see from the dyno graph, the Gen 5 Whipple has picked up some crazy power and torque.

Whipple’s 3.0L supercharger system makes for significant horsepower gains, making it an essential upgrade for any sixth-gen Camaro owner looking for top-tier performance and reliability. The system’s advanced features and ease of installation make it a standout choice. With unparalleled power delivery and cooling capabilities, it ensures an exceptional driving experience.

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About the author

Caecey Killian

I’d rather spend a night in the garage than a night out on the town. With over 10 years of experience building cars and going fast, I am still just as excited to keep learning and keep going faster.
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