LSX Magazine Valley Of Fire Cruise Kicks Off LS Fest West

There’s something to be said about taking the road less traveled. A lot of the time in life we get set in our routines and forget what nature has to offer. Sure, we’re all busy but every once in and while it’s nice to slow down and just enjoy the ride. This is one reason we always look forward to our annual LSX Mag’s cruise ahead of Holley’s LS Fest West 2021. It a break from the monotony that includes, cars, enthusiasts, and the open road.

Photo by: Chase Havins

The LSX Magazine Valley of Fire Cruise kicked off today and was a fantastic scenic getaway. Even though it right outside of Las Vegas, you would never know it. Cars began showing up at three o’clock in the NASCAR parking lot, and we had a steady stream rolled in right up until our 4:00 departure. At 4:05, we headed out to the beautiful Valley of Fire state park. With about 35-40 cars in route, we made it to the park in about 30 minutes which made for an incredible drive.

We had a very diverse group of cars on the cruise this year, to say the least. The vehicles were all over the spectrum with Camaros, Corvettes, GTOs, trucks, SUVs, and more. There was even a killer 1967 El Camino with a Whipple supercharger and an LS4 swapped Fiero cruising with us.

If you’ve never been to the Valley of Fire, it should most certainly be on your list. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking, and the speed limit is slow enough that you can take it all in as you weave in and out of the corners. After our group had traveled past the Seven Sisters, we made our way to the end of the road. There we all pulled over Elephant rock for some photo opportunities while we paid the park fees. Overall the staff was friendly, even though we did have the police sirens blown at us because Chase Havins was hanging out of Project Dirty Bird taking pictures as we rolled through blazing red sandstone rock. But who could blame him?

We are planning on doing a tour again next year and would love to hear your input if you were able to attend this year. If you want to go somewhere else, just let us know in the comments section. And if you didn’t get to make it this year, be sure and show up a day early and join us. You certainly won’t regret it. It’s a scenic drive with excellent cars and incredible people.

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About the author

Brian Havins

A gearhead for life, Brian is obsessed with all things fast. Banging gears, turning wrenches, and praying while spraying are just a few of his favorite things.
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