Perfect Your Style With Eddie Motorsports’ New Billet Steering Wheels

There is likely no other component we interact with more while enjoying our rides than the steering wheel. These necessities are also a great way to perfect the styling of the interior of our rides. With few exceptions, those OEM-style wheels weren’t designed with a performance mindset, and the design is usually more suited to bean counters than enthusiasts. Thanks to the billet whittlers at Eddie Motorsports, enthusiasts now have a broad scope of quality options when seeking to update the steering wheel in their rides.

The folks at Eddie Motorsports have been busy bringing new products to market and these new Sport Series Billet Aluminum Steering Wheels feature all the quality you’d expect from Eddie Motorsports and give you numerous options to perfect the style of your ride.

Eddie Motorsports billet aluminum steering wheels

The new Sport Series wheels can be tailored with several colored wraps as well as a variety of finishes including gloss black, chrome, polished aluminum, and matte black.

The new Sport Series wheels are precision CNC-machined in the U.S.A. from high-quality 6061-T6 billet aluminum. The wheels are 14 inches in diameter and feature a synthetic leather, half-wrap grip. To keep a close eye on quality, all Eddie Motorsports billet aluminum steering wheels are engineered and machined in-house at Eddie Motorsports’ Rancho Cucamonga, California facility.

Many Options — The Perfect Steering Wheel

Because Eddie Motorsports handles the entire process from start to finish, the company can offer a variety of options so that enthusiasts can match the style of their car’s interior perfectly. The Sport Series steering wheels are offered with seven different custom spoke finishes and six different grip colors, so you can choose the best design with the best colors, to match your interior. You can also wrap the wheel with your interior’s matching leather or vinyl for that added touch. There are over 82 different combinations available to help you get that perfect match for your interior’s color and style. The Eddie Motorsports Sport Series wheels are designed as a direct, bolt-on application using the industry standard nine-bolt adapter.

billet steering wheels

Eddie Motorsports offers several spoke styles in a variety of finishes so finding a match for your interior’s design is easy.

Eddie Motorsports also offers billet aluminum GM adapters and horn button designs (sold separately) that will match perfectly with your new Sport Series steering wheel. Check out all the many combinations available with Eddie Motorsports’ new Sport Series billet aluminum steering wheels. Once you’ve found the perfect one, be sure to order the matching adapter and horn ring so the most recent upgrade to your car’s interior enhances the style of your ride completely, and perfectly.

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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